Technology / Online Banking

Smart tools to manage your personal finances

Our online banking gives you the tools to manage your accounts whenever you want, keep a close eye on your money and monitor for fraud.

Laptop and Tablet showing off Frost web

Are you a new Frost customer?

Sign up for online banking in minutes.

Ready to open a personal checking account online?

We’ll take care of everything to make it easy to open your checking account with Frost. Have these things handy.

Open Checking Accounts
  • Social Security Number

    We’re required by federal law to collect your SSN.

  • Government-Issued Photo ID

    This can be a driver’s license, state ID or U.S. military ID.

  • Minimum Opening Deposit

    You’ll need to make an initial deposit of $25 or more.

The Frost App

Our top-rated app offers powerful features you’ll love to use, such as the ability to send money to friends, securely log in with just your fingerprint.

Explore the Frost App
Apple watch and iPhone using the Frost App

Give us your feedback on our app

We're always looking to improve. If you've got a suggestion, we'd love to hear it. Don't have the app? Download it for iPhone and Android. Talk to us on Facebook and X.

Best Bank in Texas. So glad we now have internet banking and now never have to use any bank but Frost.

Dorothy T.

I was pleasantly surprised to find the Frost banking app feels solid, smooth and quick, looks clean and modern, and is very user friendly.


Words cannot describe how convenient and useful it (Frost App) is.

Kim S.

Get the personal attention you deserve