Home / Bank Holidays

Bank Holidays

Frost financial centers will be closed in observance of the following holidays:

Wednesday, January 01 New Year's Day
Monday, January 20 Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Monday, February 17 Washington's Birthday
Monday, May 26 Memorial Day
Thursday, June 19 Juneteenth National Independence Day
Friday, July 04 Independence Day
Monday, September 01 Labor Day
Monday, October 13 Columbus Day
Tuesday, November 11 Veterans Day
Thursday, November 27 Thanksgiving Day
Thursday, December 25 Christmas Day

Remember, you can always log on to Frost Online Banking for many of your banking needs. Or you can call our Customer Service Specialists 24/7* at (800) 513-7678.

*Customer Service Specialists will not be available on the following holidays: Easter Sunday, Thanksgiving day and Christmas day.

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