A quick to-do list before you get started.
Step 1: Gather requirements.
- Government-issued ID
- Social Security Number
- You’ll also need to upload specifics about your income and home, so have your pay stubs, homeowner’s insurance and mortgage statements handy.
Step 2: Create new username and password.
On the next screen, you’ll need to create a new set of login credentials specific to this loan application.
Step 3: Make note of term length options.
On the application, you’ll be prompted to input the loan term in months. For Home Equity Loans where this will be your second lien, the loan term can be 84, 120, 180, or 240 months. If this will be your first lien, the loan term can be 120 or 240 months.
Please note, for a Home Equity Loan, the following apply:
- 80% equity must be available. Our Loan Selection Tool can help you determine if you have enough equity.
- Homestead property that is owner-occupied is required. Mobile homes and apartments do not qualify for this product.
- Frost provides residential loan products to individuals across Texas in the Austin, Bryan/College Station, Corpus Christi, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, Permian Basin, Rio Grande Valley, San Antonio and Victoria regions.
- The start of construction work on improvements before closing may impact your ability to qualify for this product. If construction has begun, please contact a Frost banker.